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                       Message from the Principal
It gives me great pleasure to welcome visitors to our website . As Principal,
I am extremely proud of West Bank Senior Secondary School a  nd its progress over the few years of its existence.
West Bank Senior Secondary School is progressive in its vision for and realization of a happy and disciplined environment where our learners are encouraged to give their very best, primarily in academics and then supported by their involvement in the sport and cultural activities that we offer.
Please take some time to scroll through the achievements that make us proud to be part of the West Bank community.
I thank our website administrators for the detailed and current information you can encounter.
As you might observe, we are a busy school that embraces the many opportunities that are made available to us. We are extremely grateful to be a school that offers our community the best we can offer and in return; receives the support that enables the school to flourish in its many ways.
Thank you for visiting and I hope you enjoy your visual encounter.
Mr Braham Hill
Our Philosophy

Hard work, discipline, christian virtues and morals, excellence and raising academic champions for tomorrow.


                                     Our History

Started as a creche but a high school with maximum impact and a distinction beyond reasonable doubts. Soaring like the eagle without compromising.


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